Star Tatoo  

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Star Tattoo DesignFollowing are some of the reasons that go in favor of star tattoos:

Unisex design- Star tattoo designs are unisex patterns that can be worn by both sexes. Often there are several tattoo designs that are gender specific like fairy tattoos are mostly inked by women and tiger tattoos by men. But there is no gender distinction in case of star tattoos. Anybody irrespective of their sex and age can get it done.
Variety of Designs- There is wide variety of attractive star tattoo patterns that offer increased choice options to the tattoo patrons. Some of the star tattoos that are highly popular are shooting star, Star of David, nautical star and many more.
Bold and Beautiful patterns - Star tattoo designs often comprise of very bold and solid patterns. The thick lines and solid shapes used in the star design make it really stand out.Star Tattoo Designs
Array of Colors – You can opt for different color schemes for your star tattoo to make them more beautiful and also unique. There is no restriction to any specific color, so one can use meaningful color scheme to enhance the overall appeal of the tattoo.
Symbolic Meaning - There are deep meanings associated with each star tattoo design. For instance, a shooting star tattoo represents a significant moment in life; nautical star tattoos are associated with guidance. No matter which design has what relevance, these tattoo designs are open to personal interpretations also.
Relatively Cheap Designs – Star tattoo designs are often simple patterns that can be easily done free hand by the tattoo artist. They are not only easy to design, but also more convenient to change and adapt. Moreover, since the star tattoos are usually small in size, they can be done quickly. All these factors make them cheaper tattoo options.
Placement Flexibility – Star designs can be inked in variety of sizes and hence can be easily tweaked in many different ways to fit the space on the body where the person wants the tattoo.

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